
the next step.

We are trying to get miss Melanie off the beloved bottle. It's a feat. She, I believe, could care less, but we are addicted to how fast she takes her milk down and how simple it is at night. So, In our home, it's completley a crutch. But I'm trying.. okay?

Everyday, once or twice, whenever it comes to mind, I pass her sippy on to her and we try. It's getting easier. I believe... and then she just stops.

"Oh, it's not my bottle, no thank you, but good try, mom"

I'm defeated.

But this afternoon, as I'm sipping my favorite tea, It occurs to me, I know this, my mom prevailed... and so shall I.

So maybe not today, but one day, my little girl will sip her tea and I will be satisfied, knowing that I taught her this.

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